Tentang Kami

PT AXA Insurance Indonesia


Mengenal AXA Insurance Indonesia

PT AXA Insurance Indonesia (“AXA Insurance”) merupakan bagian dari AXA Group, perusahaan asuransi dan manajemen aset terbesar di dunia berbasis di Paris, dengan 145.000 karyawan melayani lebih dari 93 juta nasabah di 51 negara.    

AXA Insurance merupakan perusahaan asuransi umum dengan fokus bisnis asuransi umum dan asuransi kesehatan bagi perseorangan maupun korporasi yang lengkap melalui omni-channel distribusi, dan menjadi salah satu penyedia asuransi kesehatan karyawan, asuransi perjalanan, dan pengangkutan terkemuka di pasar Indonesia, serta beragam produk asuransi lainnya.

Didirikan pada awalnya sebagai PT Asuransi Dharma Bangsa di tahun 1961, dan kemudian berubah nama menjadi PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI) yang mulai beroperasi sebagai perusahaan patungan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2011. 

Pada 2019, MAGI melakukan penggabungan (merger) dengan PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia sebagai salah satu bentuk kepatuhan pada ketentuan regulasi Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Lebih lanjut memasuki semester kedua di tahun 2023, PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI) resmi berganti nama menjadi PT AXA Insurance Indonesia. AXA Insurance telah memiliki izin usaha di bidang asuransi umum dari Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Nomor KEP-825/KM.10/2011 sebagaimana terakhir diubah dengan keputusan Anggota Dewan Komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor KEP-96/PD.02/2023 tentang pemberlakukan izin usaha dibidang asuransi umum sehubungan perubahan nama PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance menjadi PT AXA Insurance Indonesia dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.   AXA Insurance berkantor pusat di Jakarta dengan 10 kantor pemasaran di 8 kota besar, bengkel rekanan di 70 kota, lebih dari 650 tenaga pemasar bersertifikat*.

AXA Insurance telah menjadi Top of Mind, brand asuransi umum pertama di Indonesia berdasarkan data Brand Performance Tracking tahun 2023 dan meraih beragam apresiasi antara lain Corporate Governance Perception Index Trusted Company (2018-2022) dari The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG), Domestic General Insurer of the Year – Indonesia (2021-2023) dari Insurance Asia, The Best Contact Center Indonesia (2018-2023 terkecuali 2020) dari Indonesia Contact Center Association, Digital Brand of the Year (2018-2023) dari Infobank, Indonesia Green & Sustainable Companies (2023), HR Excellence (2021-2023) dari SWA, dan penghargaan lainnya.

*berdasarkan data Februari 2024

Mengenal Lebih Lanjut

Dewan Komisaris & Dewan Pengawas Syariah



Pejabat Satu Tingkat Dibawah Direksi

Unduh Sekarang

Bagan Organisasi

Unduh Sekarang

Daftar Tenaga Pemasar

Unduh Sekarang

Alamat Kantor di Luar Kantor Pusat

Unduh Sekarang

Penghargaan AXA Insurance Indonesia



Best Public Relations - Indonesia Public Relation Awards 2024

Best Customer Centric Culture - 9th NXT CX Summit & Awards 2024

Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor - WOW Brand 2024

Golden Trophy, the Best General Insurance Company -13th Digital Brand 2024

The Best Asuransi Umum 2024 - Premi Bruto Rp500 Miliar S.D.

The 2nd Best Overall Asuransi Umum 2024 -13th Digital Brand 2024

Top 10 Visionary Leaders Shaping Digital Transformation in 2024

Cendant Terbaik, MAIPARK Award 2024

Best General Insurance Company Indonesia 2024 - Global Business Magazine Awards 2024

• Best Insurance Product Company Indonesia 2024 - Global Business Magazine Awards 2024



Asuransi Perjalanan ; Predikat Good (Indonesia Customer Experience Awards)

Top Digital Corporate Brand Award ; Kategori Perusahaan Asuransi Umum

Peringkat I, CORPORATE BRAND “The Best” Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional Premi Bruto Rp500 Miliar S.D.

Peringkat II, CORPORATE BRAND “The 2nd Highest Digital Index” Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional

Outstanding Digital CX – General Insurance (Digital CX Awards)

Brand AXA Mandiri kategori Health Insurance (Indonesia WOW Brand )

Indonesia Green & Sustainable Companies Award di Kategori Jasa

Best Workplaces for Women in Protecting Working Women's Rights, Kategori : General Insurance

Asuransi Perjalanan AXA - Predikat Excellent (Indonesia Customer Service Quality Award)

Indonesia Digital Customer Engagement Champion ; Kategori Jasa Keuangan Non Bank

Silver Award Excellence in Talent Management - HR Excellence Awards

Silver Award Employee Volunteerism - HR Excellence Awards

Bronze Award Best HR Team (MNC) - HR Excellence Awards

Bronze Award Excellence in Total Rewards Strategy - HR Excellence Awards

The Best Customer Experience - The Best Contact Center Indonesia

Best Women Empowerment Company 2023 with Outstanding Protection of Working Women's Rights

Special Achievement for Insurance Category - 4th Top Corporate Finance Award



Top 5 Millennial Women Favorite Brand 2022 in Category General Insurance

Best Overall Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional - Infobank Digital Brand Award

Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional Premi Bruto Rp 500 miliar - Rp 1 triliun - Infobank Digital Brand Award

Outstanding Digital CX - General Insurances - Digital CX Award

Asuransi Perjalanan Predikat Excellent - Indonesia Consumer Financial Service Award

Asuransi Kendaraan Predikat Very Good - Indonesia Consumer Financial Service Award

Performing In Asset 1-5 Triliun General Insurance Category - 3rd Indonesia Top Insurance Companies Awards

Reward Management & Talent Retention Strategy - Predikat: Very Good (HR Excellence Award)

Managing Transformation Predikat: Very Good (HR Excellence Award)

Learning & Development and Knowledge Management ; Predikat Very Good (HR Excellence Award)

Domestic General Insurer of the Year - Indonesia (Insurance Asia Awards)

Best of The Best Customer Experience Team - Customer Experience Award (Indonesia Customer Experience Champions)

Best of The Best Sales Team - Indonesia Sales Team Champions

The Best Business Contribution - Predikat Silver (The Best Contact Center Indonesia)

Best Workplaces for Women 2022 in Protecting Working Women's Rights with General Insurance

Best Insurance 2022 category General Insurance

Cendant Terbaik 2022 pemenang pertama (kategori C) - MAIPARK Award

Trusted Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI)

Best of the Best Customer Service Team - Customer Service Champions

Best of the Best Digital Team - Digital Marketing Champions



WOW Brand General Insurance Category - Silver Champion

Anugerah CSR Tahun 2021 Lions Club Jakarta Pusat

Digital CX Awards 2021 - Outstanding Digital CX General Insurance

10th Infobank Digital Brand Awards - Golden Trophy Perusahaan Asuransi Umum

10th Infobank Digital Brand Awards - Best Overall Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional

10th Infobank Digital Brand Awards - Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional Premi Bruto Rp250 Miliar Sampai Dengan Di Bawah Rp500 Miliar

HR Asia Awards - Best Companies to Work For in Asia

Indonesia Customer Service Champions 2021 Peringkat 1 Insurance Category

Indonesia Customer Service Champions 2021 Peringkat 2 Across Category

6th Insurance Asia Awards - Domestic General Insurer of the Year Indonesia

Indonesia Digital Marketing Champions 2021 Peringkat 1 Insurance, Predicate Excellent

The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2021 - Platinum Award

Indonesia Best Insurance Awards 2021 - Best Insurance 2021 with Great Financial Performance and Digital Service Innovation category: General Insurance, Total Asset 1-5T

25th AIIA - General Insurance Company of the Year

CGPI 20 - Corporate Governance Perception Index 2021 Award Trusted

HR Excellence Awards 2021 - Gold Category Excellence in Talent Management

HR Excellence Awards 2021 - Gold Category - Excellence in Total Rewards Strategy

HR Excellence Awards 2021 - Silver Category - Excellence in Women Empowerment Strategy

Leading Brand Awards - Highly Reputable SOE Subsidiary In General Insurance Category

Top 5 Best Workplace for Women 2021 in Category General Insurance



Maipark Award

9th Digital Brand Awards 2020 - 1st Best Overall - Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional

9th Digital Brand Awards 2020 - 1st Best Overall - Perusahaan Asuransi Umum Konvensional

Indonesia Best Insurance Award 2020

Indonesia Digital Marketing Champion 2020

Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) ke 19



Indonesia Insurance Innovation Award 2019

Indonesia Most Trusted Companies Award 2019

Infobank 8th Sharia Awards 2019

Infobank 8th Digital Brand Awards 2019

The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2019

Indonesia Best Insurance Awards 2019